Gala of AmCham Belgium
See on LinkedIn |
OCTOBER 2024 |
Nederlands pensioen en de vrijstelling in Nederland t.b.v. de heffingskorting :Het arrest
van het hof van Beroep te Antwerpen dd. 12 december 2023 (nr. 2022/AR/555): België
dient vrijstelling te verlenen
JULY 2024 |
English version
Version en français
JUNE 2024 |
English version
Nederlandse versie
Version française
JUNE 2024 |
A Colloquium on the taxation of cross-border workers took place on June 3 2024.
MAY 2024 |
A Colloquium on “Cross-border workers” will take place on June 3.
In the margins of that TaskForce, the FPS Finance in collaboration with the Policy Unit of the Cabinet of the Minister of Finance, is organising the 'cross-border workers colloquium' on Monday the 3rd of June at the Pacheco Center in Brussels. During that colloquium, we will have a panel discussion on each of those 3 topics with experts from the OECD, from the European Commission, from the FPS Finance, from academia and from the industry.
The event will take place both physically and via livestream. A maximum of 250 participants will be able to attend physically in the Pacheco Center. Those of you who don’t manage to secure a spot at the venue will be invited to participate virtually. Virtual participants will receive a link to the livestream via YouTube a few days prior to the event. See the preliminary program. |
MARCH 2024 |
Belgian personal income tax returns - income year 2023
Modification of the Belgian transparency tax
JANUARY 2024 |
WAP is niet van toepassing op niet-Belgische pensioenen.
It was an honor that An De Reymaeker (Tax Lawyer and Partner of our office)
participated as Chair of the Legal & Taxation Committee to the 75th anniversary
of AmCham Belgium in presence of Princess Astrid, prime Minister De Croo,
US ambassador Adler and many members of AmCham (international companies).
OCTOBER 2023 |
Sinds 2022 is het expatregime in België grondig gewijzigd.
Naar aanleiding hiervan schreef An De Reymaeker,
fiscaal advocaat en vennoot bij het advocatenkantoor Vandendijk & Partners,
het boek
'Het expatregime in België - Voor en na 1 januari 2022'.
OCTOBER 2023 |
We are happy to announce that Marie N’Dri joint our law firm as a Tax Lawyer since October 2.
Pillar 2: New rules for MNE’s applicable as of 1/1/2024
AUGUST 2023 |
Nieuw dubbelbelastingverdrag tussen België en Nederland.
JULY 2023 |
Wet aanvullende pensioenen (WAP) niet van toepassing op niet-Belgische pensioenen (Hof van Beroep Brussel 21 juni 2023 : zie artikel in bijlage)
JUNE 2023 |
Wij zijn verheugd de publicatie aan te kunnen kondigen van het boek “Het expatregime in België”, geschreven door An De Reymaeker, Fiscaal advocaat en vennoot bij Vandendijk & Partners.
May 2023 |
We are honored to announce that An De Reymaeker (Tax Lawyer and Partner of our office) has been elected as Chair of the Legal & Taxation Committee of AmCham Belgium for the next two years. AmCham represents more than 400 members, most are international companies. The Legal & Taxation Committee is actively engaged in discussions with policymakers and stakeholders in defending the international business community in Belgium from a tax point of view, with attempt to influence in a constructive way legislative tax decisions and promote a positive investment climate in Belgium. |
April 2023 |
NL data_needed_to_complete_individual_tax_return.docx
March 2023 |
Eerste fase van de bredere fiscale hervorming : een overzicht. |
November 2022 |
Pensions extra-légales : un état des lieux concernant la limite de 80 %. Extra-wettelijke pensioenen : een stand van zaken m.b.t. de 80% grens. |
October 2022 |
Internationale tewerkstelling: telewerken vanuit een ander land”, Door An De Reymaeker, Fiscaal advocaat, gepubliceerd in : « Internationale fiscale Actualiteit, Kluwer, Nr. 8, pg. 1 |
August 2022 |
Mr. An De Reymaeker, Tax Lawyer and Partner of the law firm Vandendijk & Partners will be a panelist at the WIN SEMINAR (The Women in the International Fiscal Network) on 6/9 at the IFA Congress 2022 in Berlin on “Tax challenges of the new working world” (see website IFA Congress berlin 2022 for more information). UPDATE ON THE TAXATION OF CROSS-BORDER TELEWORKERS The European Commission considers long-term solutions for cross-border teleworking. On August 11 the Commissioner for Economy informed the European Parliament that the European Commission is currently working with member states and stakeholders to find long-term solutions for tax and social-security repercussions of cross-border teleworking in the European Union. This concerns in particular the taxation of wages (article 15 of the OECD model tax convention) and taxation of company profits (article 5 with regard to PE issues). See below under NEWS June 2022 for more details : EESC event organized in May 2022. Do not hesitate to contact An De Reymaeker (vide) for any questions. |
June 2022 |
UPDATE ON THE TAXATION OF CROSS-BORDER TELEWORKERS You will find herewith the link to the event which took place on May 31 at the European Economic and Social Committee on this topic (with Mrs. An De Reymaeker, International Tax Lawyer of Vandendijk & Partners as panel member) : I would like to thank you for your participation in the EESC virtual public hearing "Taxation of teleworkers: Post Covid-19 tax challenges". Your contribution was highly appreciated both by the ECO Section members as well as by the organised civil society stakeholders. The EESC members will use the input gathered from event to feed into forthcoming EESC own-initiative opinion "Taxation of cross-border teleworkers and their employers". In the meantime the Administrative Commission for the Coordination of the Social Security agreed to have a transitional period until 31/12/2022 for teleworking frontier workers (meaning that no switch of competent state and social security will occur when working more than 25% from home, as was the case during Covid-19). Do not hesitate to contact our office, Mrs. An De Reymaeker (vide) for more information. UPDATE ON THE NEW EXPAT REGIME On May 6 the Belgian tax authorities published an administrative Circular letter with regard to the new expat regime for inbound taxpayers and inbound researchers (Cir. 2022/C/47) with some more explanations. (“Circulaire over nieuw regime voor ingekomen belastingplichtigen en ingekomen onderzoekers”, door An De Reymaeker Fiscaal Advocaat-vennoot Vandendijk & Partners, Fiscale Actualiteit, Wolters Kluwer, nr 19. Week 2-8 juni 2022) On June 15 they decided to extend the deadline for the first applications and “opt-in” applications from the old to the new regime from July 31 to September 30, 2022! Do not hesitate to contact An De Reymaeker (vide) for any questions. |
April 2022 |
« Taxation of teleworkers : Post Covid-19 challenges”, event organized by the European Economic and Social Committee on 31/05/2022 in Brussels. Ms An De Reymaeker, International Tax Lawyer and Partner of Vandendijk & Partners will be one of the speakers. The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the lives of workers and businesses in unprecedented ways. A key change, with travel restrictions in place and governmental limitations in the number of employees present in offices, has been the rise of cross-border teleworking. This has a direct taxation impact for many employees and their companies and poses challenges to the international taxation systems of today. During the Covid-19 pandemic, agreements have been concluded between the tax authorities of Belgium and other neighboring countries like The Netherlands, France, Luxemburg and Germany, in which it has been agreed that the situation had to be qualified as “force majeure”. This means that, for employees who were working from home (due to Covid-19 measures), these working days should be counted as days performed in the “habitual place of work” (work state), where the employee would have physically performed his or her activities, in a normal, non Covid-19 situation. There will by consequence be, in these specific cases, no impact on the tax position of the concerned employees. However, these agreements will come to an end on June 30, 2022. If cross-border telework will continue this will have major tax impacts for those employees. If you would have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Ms An De Reymaeker (vide). |
March 2022 |
We are honoured to receive this Award for all the work done for AmCham and its members (the international business community). See video published on LinkedIn page (click here), the AmCham website and YouTube channel.THE REFORM OF THE EXPAT TAX REGIME IN BELGIUM AS OF 1/1/2022 - Belgian income tax return; - Belgische aangifte in de personenbelasting ; - Déclaration belge à l’impôt des personnes physiques; |
Februari 2022 |
Nieuwe wetsbepaling inzake belastingregime buitenlandse extralegale pensioenen. |
Januari 2022 |
UPDATE EXPAT REGIME : TRANSITORY MEASURES UNTILL 31/12/2023 A recent circular letter from the tax authorities, confirms that for expats who are currently under the “old” expat regime and are since more than 5 years in Belgium on 1/1/2022 (and cannot meet the conditions of the new expat regime) can continue to benefit from the tax advantages of the “old” expat regime (under the conditions of the Circular letter of 8/8/1983) for another 2 years, until 31/12/2023! Please note that as of 1/1/2022 a new expat regime is applicable in Belgium for people who are employed in Belgium or seconded to Belgium (with new conditions/see for more details the article on our website). Do not hesitate to contact Mrs An De Reymaeker (vide) if you would have any questions.UPDATE ON NEW EXPAT REGIME The new expat law has been voted and published on 31 December 2021 in the Belgian Official gazette. This new law will be applicable as of January 1, 2022 to new employees who are hired from outside of Belgium or seconded to Belgium. For expats who are on January 1, 2022 still under the “old” expat regime, they have the possibility (1) to stay under this regime for another 2 years (transition period) or (2) to opt-in the new regime (if they can meet the conditions of the new regime and are since less than 5 years in Belgium under the “old”regime on 1/1/2022). If you have questions with regard to the application and conditions of this new law, or with regard to the transition period, do not hesitate to contact An De Reymaeker (vide). Wetsontwerp inzake de hervorming van het fiscaal regime van Nederlandse |
December 2021 |
La réforme du régime des cadres étrangers |
November 2021 | |||||||
October 2021 | |||||||
Augustus 2021 | |||||||
June 2021 |
Pensioenen en lijfrenten belastbaar in Nederland? In 2026 emission-free company cars should become the norm 15 % instead of 30% withholding tax on French dividends - New circular letter |
April 2021 |
March 2021 |
- Belgian income tax return; - Belgische aangifte in de personenbelasting ; - Déclaration belge à l’impôt des personnes physiques; New Annual Securities Account Tax published New tax basis for non-Belgian immovable property as of income year 2021 |
february 2021 |
January 2021 |
Brexit, import duties and VAT on goods: Formalities |
November 2020 | |||||||
October 2020 | |||||||
June 2020 |
April 2020 | |||||||
March 2020 |
February 2020 | |||||||
September 2019 |
Aout 2019 |
Mai 2019 |
La réforme du code des sociétés et des associations De Hervorming van het Wetboek van Vennootschappen en Verenigingen |
April 2019 |
Election debate April 3 organized by AmCham Belgium with participation of An De Reymaeker, Tax Lawyer-Partner at Vandendijk & Partners, on taxation topic with priorities for next government : reduce corporate tax rate and introduce a ceiling on social security contributions in order to make Belgium more attractive and competitive for investors ! |
March 2019 - UPDATE |
The deadline for filing the identity of the ultimate beneficial owners of companies and other legal persons with the UBO-register has been extended to September 30, 2019, instead of March 31, 2019. |
Februari 2019 |
« Investing in investments » AmCham Priorities for a Prosperous Belgium 2019 |
Janvier 2019 |
Arrest GENT 2 januari 2019 : De Porsche 356 is een collectievoertuig Arrêt de la Cour d’appel de Gand du 2 janvier 2019: la Porsche 356 est une voiture |
November 2018 |
Nieuwe circulaire over invoer van odltimers maakt einde aan verwarring |
September 2018 |
The Belgian implementation of the EU mandated UBO-register Aanvullende Pensioenen |
Augustus 2018 | |||||||
Juli 2018 | |||||||
Maart 2018 |
Aanvullende Pensioenen. Een fiscaal-juridische analyse vanuit Belgisch en Europees perspectief LISTE DES DOCUMENTS NECESSAIRES AFIN D'INTRODUIRE VOTRE DECLARATION FISCALE REVENUS 2017 LIJST VAN GEGEVENS NODIG OM DE AANGIFTE IN DE DATA NEEDED TO COMPLETE YOUR INDIVIDUAL TAX RETURN Déclaration belge à l’impôt des personnes physiques; Belgische aangifte in de personenbelasting ; Belgian income tax return; Akkoord tussen België en Nederland over de heffingsbevoegdheid van Nederlandse aanvullende pension. |
Januari 2018 | |||||||
December 2017 | |||||||
August 2017 |
The Income Tax modifications agreed upon by the Belgian federal government in July 2017 |
Juli 2017 | |||||||
Juni 2017 | |||||||
Juni 2017 | |||||||
6 Juni 2017 | |||||||
12 Mei 2017 |
Vught (Nl) –Nolot seminar “PEB Uitfasering en Belgische estate en fiscale planning” |
April 2017 |
Geen Riziv- en solidariteitsbijdragen op aanvullende pensioenen uitgekeerd aan niet-rijksinwoner |
Maart 2017 |
Belgian income tax return; Belgische aangifte in de personenbelasting; Déclaration belge à l'impöt des sociétés; |
November 2016 |
1. Hoe ziet het voordelig belastingregime inzake aanvullende pensioenen uit? 2. Kan u het begrip 'individueel en definitief verworven rechten’ nader toelichten? 3. Hoe staat de belastingdienst hiertegenover? 4. Is ‘individueel en definitief verworven rechten‘ ten dode opgeschreven na WAP? |
October 2016 |
1 Waar gaat de "AOW-uitkering in België" discussie over? 2. Is er een evolutie merkbaar in de Belgische AOW-rechtspraak? 3. In welke gevallen kan een belastingvrijstelling van de AOW worden verdedigd? |
August 2016 |
De formulieren voor de regularisatie-aangifte werden gepubliceerd op 18 augustus 2016 Les formulaires pour la déclaration-régularisation ont été publiés le 18 août 2016 Belgian customs lose case on the import of classic cars La douane déboutée pour l’importation de véhicules de collection Douane in het ongelijk gesteld met betrekking tot de invoer van collectievoertuigen Fiscaal regime van AOW in Belgïe: onduidelijkheid troef Nieuwe permanente fiscale regularisatie vanaf 1 augustus 2016 Nouvelle régularisation fiscale permanente à partir du 1er août 2016 |
May 2016 |
Belgische aangifte in de vennootschapsbelasting; Déclaration belge à l'impöt des sociétés; |
April 2016 |
Belgische aangifte in de personenbelasting; Aanslagjaar 2016 - Inkomsten 2015. Belgian income tax return; Income year 2015 - Tax year 2016 Déclaration belge à l’impôt des personnes physiques; Exercice d’imposition 2016 – Revenus 2015. |
November 2015 |
VLAAMSE BELASTINGDIENST STELT DAT VERZEKERINGSGIFT Nieuwe permanente fiscale regularisatie vanaf 2016 |
October 2015 |
New tax measures – The Tax shift (confirmed on October 10, 2015) |
! Newsflash ! | |||||||
! Newsflash ! |
The act holding the transparency tax has been published in the Belgian Gazette on August 18, 2015, which came into force. The transparency tax will be applied on the investment income obtained by legal structures as from January 1, 2015 |
June 2015 |
Taxe de transparence : projet de loi Transparantietaks: wetsontwerp Transparency tax : Belgian bill announced Communication des comptes bancaires étrangers |
May 2015 |
Memo – Belgische aangifte in de personenbelasting - aanslagjaar 2015 Memo – Belgian income tax return – Tax year 2015 Mémo – Déclaration belge à l’impôt des personnes physiques – Exercice d’imposition 2015. |
October 2014 | Most important tax measures proposed by the new Belgian Federal government | ||||||
August 2014 |
Traitement fiscal des revenus mobiliers dans le chef d’un résident Belge personne physique – Revenus 2014 |
June 2014 | ! Newsflash ! The obligated mention of foreign bank accounts held by Belgian residents has been subject to a new modification. While the notification point with the National Bank of Belgium has not yet been founded, the information concerning the foreign bank accounts, that should have been disclosed to this notification point, will be requested by letter from the Ministry of Finance. The following information, concerning the foreign bank accounts which were mentioned in the tax returns of 2012, 2013 and 2014, must be disclosed: - The account number; - The name of the bank or credit institution; - The country where the account has been created. The request for information must be fulfilled within two months, counting from the third day after the letter has been sent. This delay will start at the earliest on 1st November 2014 Our office is of course able to assist you with this new tax obligation. |
As from income year 2013 Belgian tax payers are obliged to report in the annual
income tax return the existence of a legal construction or entity (foundation, trust,
offshore companies, etc) of which the taxpayer, his spouse of their minor children
are the founders or, to their knowledge, the (potential) beneficiaries. For more
information, click here. |
May 2014 | IFA Congress 30 and 31 May 2014 with chairperson Mr. Marc Vandendijk (speaker) (see agenda) | ||||||
April 2014 | ! Newsflash ! The European Commission's Customs Committee agreed a revised text on an amendment to the Explanatory Notes to the Combined Nomenclature for Customs Tariff Code 9705: "Heading 9705 includes collectors' motor vehicles of historical or ethnographic interest which are: (1) In their original state, without substantial changes to the chassis, body, steering, braking, transmission or suspension system and engine. [...] (2) At least 30 years old. (3) Of a model or type which is no longer in production." Source: EU%20update%20September- October%202013%20English.pdf |
November 2013 | NEW REPORTING REQUIREMENT IN THE BELGIAN INCOME TAX RETURN: INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE WEALTH STRUCTURES. As from income year 2013 Belgian tax payers are obliged to report in the annual income tax return the existence of a legal construction or entity (foundation, trust, offshore companies, etc) of which the taxpayer, his spouse of their minor children are the founders or, to their knowledge, the (potential) beneficiaries. For more information, click here. |
SEMINAR “Buitenlandse tewerkstelling en fiscus” wordt gegeven door Mr. Marc Vandendijk en Mr. An De Reymaeker op 10.12.2013 te Antwerpen. Inschrijven via M&D ( |
May 2013 |
PEL Master Class : 05/06/2013 - Uitnodiging Fiscaliteit en successieplanning na de maatregelen Di Rupo: 7 en 30 mei 2013 Hoe veilig is mijn spaargeld in België en in Luxemburg ? 06/06/2013 |
March 2013 |
Verschijningsdatum bij Kluwer : 13/05/2013 Dit boek geeft een overzicht van de richtlijnen bij de fiscale en sociale |
February 2013 |
Verplichte melding buitenlandse levensverzekeringscontracten : onduidelijkheid troef Changes in the (para)fiscal treatment of non-recurring result-tied benefits |
January 2013 |
Wijziging parafiscale behandeling van niet-recurrente resultaatsgebonden Nederlandse pensioenen : Belgische fiscus bijt weer in het zand. Overzicht wetswijzigingen inkomstenbelastingen 2012 - 2013 regering Di Rupo Seminarie PEL in Antwerpen op 16/01/2013 : “Meldingsplicht Tak 23 levensverzekeringen: personenbelastingaangifte 2013 (inkomsten 2012)” |
November 2012 |
Budget measures 2013 government Di Rupo: Tax changes Mesures budgetaires 2013 du gouvernement Di Rupo: Modifications sur le plan fiscal Begrotingsmaatregelen 2013 regering Di Rupo: De fiscale veranderingen |
September 2012 |
AOW-uitkering - band met vorig beroep cruciaal voor belastbaarheid Belgian non-resident income tax returns (income year 2011) – due date: October 3. |
July 2012 |
Bijzondere bijdrage van 1,5 % op premies van hogere aanvullende pensioenen Investir dans des voitures de collection : |
April 2012 | Kan de scheepagent hoofdelijk worden gehouden tot voldoening van de BTW bij invoer? | ||||||
March 2012 |
December 2011 |
Budget 2012 Announced changes in Belgian tax legislation (EN-pdf) |
November 2011 |
No inami- and solidarity contributions due on occupational pension paid to persons residing abroad. (Word EN) |
September 2011
Belgian non-resident income tax returns – Income year 2010 (EN-pdf) | ||||||
September 2011
Gelijktijdige tewerkstelling België – Nederland (NL-pdf) | ||||||
Mai 2011
Twee nieuwe Fiscale Rechtspraakoverzichten (NL-pdf) | ||||||
April 2011
Pensioenen (NL-pdf) Pensions complémentaires (FR-pdf) Enkele wijzigingen in de personenbelasting vanaf 2010 (NL-pdf) Some changes in the tax law as from 2010 (EN-pdf) |
March 2011 |
Pensioenen. Hof van Cassatie legt bom onder belastingneutrale pensioenoverdracht (pdf) |
August 2010 | Municipality Taxes On Foreign Investment Income Violates Eu-Laws | ||||||
May 2010 | Nederlandse pensioenen | ||||||
April 2010 | Summary of some changes in the income tax law (Word UK version) Overzicht van enkele wijzigingen in de personenbelasting (Word NL versie) |
December 2009 | Aanvullende pensioenen: niet-belastbaarheid als uitgesteld beroepsinkomen Hof van Cassatie veegt administratief standpunt van tafel |
November 2009 | Wetsontwerp fiscale en diverse bepalingen: belasting op pensioenen van gepensioneerden die in het buitenland wonen | ||||||
October 2009 |
BTW pakket |
April 2009 | New Tax return formular Nieuwe aangifte formulieren Nouveau formulaire de déclaration |
1 Januari 2009
1 May 2008
Our book
is out:
10 December 2007
Decision of the Antwerp Court of Appeal on the Dutch
A.O.W. allowance
23 October 2007
20 May 2007
20 January 2007
Tax Rules in respect of cross border occupational pensions.
1 January 2007
25 December 2005
Denkavit decision will seriously affect
the taxation of outbound dividends
5 December 2006
27 November 2006
United States and Belgium Sign Income
Tax Treaty and Protocol
17 November 2006
16 November 2006
15 November 2006
does not oblige Belgium to give credit for foreign withholding